These are five images from my final project in digital one. a very conceptual piece. my concept began with my contemplation of what causes so many people so much anxiety. the conclusion i came to was one involving that bothersome concept we all have of time, that whole past present and future thing. i realized that we always reflect on the past to learn from it and are always trying to plan for the future so much that we are forgetting about the tense of time and space we are actually only ever in which is the hear and now! living in the past or living for the the future causes one to only contemplate something which does not exist anymore or yet. these images are snapshots i took when i felt very conscious and appreciative of the present moment, when i look at these photos i dont reminisce i don't think about my planning for the shot and each time i look at them i try to stay concious of my present moment right now and feel as if im looking at them for the first time. these images are my effort to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and frustration that time infects us with.
its very late tonight sorry if there are any spelling errors or runon sentences..ill check it later, maybe.
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